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Monday, August 15, 2011

The First Entry

There have been so many days I had things to say and nowhere to say them.  I thought about opening a word document but it felt too lonely.  I wanted to start a blog but it needed a title and I would have to start from the beginning which is always hard.  I want to share where I am.  I need a place to remind the world that Samantha was here.  I need a place to hear Samantha's name and say it and see it and tell stories about her and remember the time I spent with her and share pictures of her.  I need her to be a part of my life so that I can stop thinking about how she would have been a part of my life and start acknowledging how she is a part of my life.

An important way I got through that first year was with my Scrapbook.   It was something I could touch and hold and do with my memories of Samantha.  This is one of my favorite pages.

This is where she is buried at Our Lady of the Rosary Cemetery in Georgetown.  I wish I could visit her everyday.  But I hope that by starting this blog I will be able to keep her closer. 
To read our story start here.


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