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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Rainbow Angel Baby

Last week at this time I was thinking about how I would announce that we were expecting a new addition sometime in April.  I was thinking of using this picture to announce on Facebook, we decided to wait since we were only 4 weeks along.  We had told our family and closest friends because we were so excited.  Then on Wednesday I started getting ancy and took several home pregnancy tests to reassure myself- negative tests.  On Thursday I started bleeding and had my blood taken.  On Friday I was told my HCG was below 5.  Which meant I was having an early miscarriage.
I am still processing this loss.  It feels so much like when we lost Samantha.  And so different.
I'm not sure what to say about it and I'm still a little scared to be honest with myself about my feelings about it. 
I spent only 4 days knowing I was pregnant. But they were 4 joyful, hope-filled days.  They were excited days and scared days and days of planning.
I want to give him/her a name so I can talk about her, write about her, acknowledge her.  I guess I'll just give it some time.
In the meantime, it hurts tremendously to imagine Samantha hugging her baby sister in heaven.  I hope that all I've learned about grieving can help me be honest with myself and others and begin this new healing process.


April said...

Love to you...

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